March 2022

From the editor
quori theodor
500 god
1000 days in one day, or a day that lasts 1000 days. There’s a big difference. The grounding through-line, hunger and desire, learning to trust before knowing the outcome, chocolitchip cookies strewn on a spiritual forest path. What do i like? What do you like?
Cooking grief in the microwave. Sucking the inedible out of hotel carpeting, new flavors. Taking the poison out of anger. 99 flavors of self will, Baskin and Robbins is a gender. Cordially invited with god’s ease, balance, and grace.
Wearing my curiosity like a loose garment. Finding detours that are destinations, even a tiktok hole leads somewhere. starting our day again, starting my day again, on my knees. Invitation to an invitation to text, to an invitation to expand, inextricably with others. this is not a deferred life, others following their own food-strewn path.
Square egg, square microwave. What’s in the margins of the emails? “Confusion is a natural and necessary part of learning.” A call that lasts an afternoon, a family, a ritual, a whole life in a day.
Follow your nose little bunny, guinea pigs at a banquet of fresh veg. You hear me. Listening into a big reflective bowl. Speaker & seeker. It’s the metaphor that’s broken, not you. Broken is the new whole. Who decided you were alone?
A library of unhinged books, cursive looping and looping and looping on Rocky Balboa’s failed food brand’s recycled letterhead. What does it mean to un-learn when i wouldn’t go back if i could? Whisking an egg is a dance.
Juicy through candlelight, licking the screen. Cooking abundance in the microwave.
These humbling authors lead us by living. They invite us to take our food for a walk where it already goes, into our kinks, our families, our romances, around the inner workings of our minds, into the deepest parts of our relationships, and out into this chaotic world. No leash.
1000 days in one day, or a day that lasts 1000 days. There’s a big difference. The grounding through-line, hunger and desire, learning to trust before knowing the outcome, chocolitchip cookies strewn on a spiritual forest path. What do i like? What do you like?
Cooking grief in the microwave. Sucking the inedible out of hotel carpeting, new flavors. Taking the poison out of anger. 99 flavors of self will, Baskin and Robbins is a gender. Cordially invited with god’s ease, balance, and grace.
Wearing my curiosity like a loose garment. Finding detours that are destinations, even a tiktok hole leads somewhere. starting our day again, starting my day again, on my knees. Invitation to an invitation to text, to an invitation to expand, inextricably with others. this is not a deferred life, others following their own food-strewn path.
Square egg, square microwave. What’s in the margins of the emails? “Confusion is a natural and necessary part of learning.” A call that lasts an afternoon, a family, a ritual, a whole life in a day.
Follow your nose little bunny, guinea pigs at a banquet of fresh veg. You hear me. Listening into a big reflective bowl. Speaker & seeker. It’s the metaphor that’s broken, not you. Broken is the new whole. Who decided you were alone?
A library of unhinged books, cursive looping and looping and looping on Rocky Balboa’s failed food brand’s recycled letterhead. What does it mean to un-learn when i wouldn’t go back if i could? Whisking an egg is a dance.
Juicy through candlelight, licking the screen. Cooking abundance in the microwave.
These humbling authors lead us by living. They invite us to take our food for a walk where it already goes, into our kinks, our families, our romances, around the inner workings of our minds, into the deepest parts of our relationships, and out into this chaotic world. No leash.